Thursday, March 12, 2009


It takes a dark long night to see dawn and the ray of light and hope it brings.
Its easy to succumb to the darkness and hide and lose yourself in it.
But once you take that baby step out of the cave you've been living in, a brand new world presents itself right in front of your eyes.
Its magical.
I guess this is what they call a 'miracle'.
Sometimes, you may even find a friend in the process.
A true friend for life.


Anonymous said...

this post reads like a sequel to your 25 things - cos "when i was a kid, everyone that babysat me before fears me","I ate a coackroach when I was 2","I lied to my parents since Pri 3","I have nightmares of monsters chasing after me","I do volunteer work at old folks home" (i'm imagining a cockroach eating kid), "I wish I am friends with Brat Pitt and Angelina Jolie so that I can be invited to their dinner parties and hang out with their kids" (again, the visual of a cockroach eating face of a kid)... all sounded pretty "dark" to you're finally coming out of your "darkness"? good good good... you cant see yourself very well in the dark anyway.

HaiMianBaoBaoElaine said...

For me, it takes a long time before I can pull myself out of the dark. :(

Anyway, will learn and get out of dark soon. :P

The Creator