Monday, February 23, 2009

Aftermath of the star studded night

Barely slept for 3 hrs, eyebags where my cheeks used to be, dozing off while walking, sitting, standing.
But it was all worth it. Because Kate Winslet won.
The long overdue one.
And Sean Penn thanking the 'homo-loving people' for his success (funny in a WTH?!?!?! kinda way).
And Anne Hathaway in the stunning dress. And my friend R lewdly exclaiming while drooling 'I WANT TO BE HER DRESS!' Dude, so does all the red-blooded males alive on this planet.
So now, while I'm typing and dozing off, I am overwhelmed by satisfaction.
Because Kate Winslet won.
We shall have a proper Oscars Party next year!
Anybody else cept for the only 2 attendees this year (R andI)?

Sunday, February 22, 2009


In less than 10 hours time, the moment of truth will arrive.
Of course, I'm talking about the Oscars.
I'm no movie expert, so I'll leave the predictions to the self-proclaimed professionals.
But my heart goes out to my own 'movie of the year/s'.
I don't cry easy, not at movies/TV shows. Aloof, if you will.
So my definition of a good movie, is a movie that will bring me to tears.
Which last happened few years ago with 'Million Dollar Baby' and 'Finding Neverland'.

Until I watched 'The Reader'. Kate Winslet floored me, once again (since Neverland).
The movie drew me into a world I never knew, and left me longing for more.
The veteran actress definitely deserves a nod from the panel of judges.

On the other hand, the Golden Globes Best Picture 'Slumdog Millionaire' was just a tad disappointing.
As many had said, it romanticized poverty. Fresh story-line and an all-too-typical ending with the protagonist having it all.
My favorite parts: the child actors and the Bollywood dance.

Revolutionary Road was intense. To the point where my brain was drained by the 1 hr mark and I fell asleep for 10min.
But hey, that's just me.

Changelin was good, until I watched The Reader.
Still, it starred my all-time favorite Angelina Jolie.
Her 'THAT IS NOT MY SON!' wails definitely left an impression.

A pity that the Heath Ledger won't be around to receive the honors.
The Joker won Batman hands down this time round.

As promised, no predictions. Just my own opinions.

GO KATE! I'm rooting for you!
(Sorry Angie, maybe the next time round...)

The Creator