Friday, June 27, 2008

Sammi Sammi Sammi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's finally my turn to do the POTP special this week. And I was so excited!!! because I'm doing one on sammi, my idol for 12 years.
I had really high hopes for it. Stayed back in the office til at least 3am for a few night just to finish it. and I think the hardest part of it is writing the script.
But as i was doing the special, it reminded me of why i liked her so much in the first place. Looking back at her achievements, I was so touched by all her efforts and hardwork.
And it was then I decided that I want to be like her, putting in all i have to achieve something.
I spent alot of time and efforts on it, and i almost pulled my hair out at some point in time. but i'm not sure if its as well as I had hoped it would be...
Listen to it, and let me know?
Sunday 2pm.

Would love your feedback cos i really really put in alot to make it the best I could... :)

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