Yet another leaving us to pursue a great dream, unattainable to most of us who dared to dream it, and not have the guts (or the brains) to do it.
Don't know if I've ever said it to you, but I am extremely proud of you. And of course, unbelievably excited and happy for you.
The BIG apple will be tough, but I think you'd be tougher than that. You are the next survivor who won... A 4 YEARS SCHOLARSHIP!!! (Is that better than a million bucks?)
Amidst all the excitement, I'm sad you're leaving.
You'll be missed.
Like this:
Monday, August 27, 2007
To a dear (and most talented, if you must) friend:
Scribbled by
12:35 AM
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Somebody SO CHIO with Long Hair! so chio so chio. buay tahan. keep long hair la.
Sterling you will truely be missed. Please take good care of youself in New York and come back soon to visit us! Will miss you~
From: Number 1 Fan, S
Wow~ Ivy....
I simply can't believe my eye... is that long hair gal u?? gosh~... you look super 淑女 in long hair wor... so sweet... gosh~ is that ur twin sister or u?? omg...
Pls, i totally agreed with 'S' KEEP LONG HAIR~!!! 留发无罪!长发有理!留发无罪!长发有理!!!
from: you know who i am~ hee hee =P
aww shucks, thanks for this... (though some of the pics you chose aren't flattering at all, grr... haha)
[Cheese alert]It's good that you're a DJ. So whenever I feel lonely and miss home, I'll on 933 internet radio to listen to your voice to feel comforted![/End cheese alert] haha! :)
To the most unwanted person on Ivy' Blog:
please stop reading Ivy's blog if you have nothing better to comment than awful disgusting, dripping with sarcasms kind of comments. Though Ivy cannot be bothered to reply or speak up for herself, people who regularly reads her blog find you EXTREMELY IRRITATING and DETEST you beyond words. You may continue to read her blog but you are no longer permitted to leave ANY comments at all from today onwards. So don't bother wasting your time.
Ivy's blog has a regulator who checks on all comments that are being posted and ALL comments posted by you be it nice, good or horrible and ugly comments, will be deleted immediately.
Once again, Thank you for creating all the publicity you have created by posting all kinds of comments because it means that Ivy has got a faithful listener like you. = D Anyway, from today onwards, you will be non existence in this blog.
Thank you.
From: Adult Delinquent Regulator
Hi Ivy,
Been realise that some disgusting attention seeker has been posting something nasty in your blog comments.
To those ppl which got nothing better to do after meal, Pls juz GET OUT!!! Seriously i feel that those ppl are juz some poor creature that have totally NO CONFIDENT & NO DIGNITY for themselves. that why they need to step down on ppl to make themselves look good and great. come'on give me a break!! like i alway says, if u think u can do it better than Ivy, proof it!! if u can't juz SHUT UP!!!!!
Constructive comments are alway more than welcome. BUT! Never a PERSONAL ATTACK!!! Ivy have been nice and choose to keep all those nasty, awful comments to herself. But NOT ME!!!
Seriously, this is the 1st time i feel that i've seen someone so much more Bit*chy than me.
Don't bother to leave those retarted looking and attention seeking comment again. As it'll NEVER affect the supporters of Ivy!
From: your no.2 super fan after S. i'm J.
Oh dear, whatever happened to a civil society?
Please give constructive comments.
And don't hide under the cloak of anonymity. I think they call it cowardice.
If you don't have constructive comments, then I suggest you try a hobby.
Like knitting.
Or make new friends. I think you're lacking of one now.
Yours truly,
A good friend of Ivy.
A fan of Ivy.
A superhero against villains like you.
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