Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The story of 2 left feet

I've never been much of a dancer. So whenever people asked me to dance, or go for dance classes, my reply was always 'no la... I have 2 left feet. cannot dance one.' which pretty much means that I'm as clumsy as it gets when it comes to dancing.

I kinda knew this myself, but never did I expect a complete stranger to confirm this for me.
Being a shoe freak, everytime I travel, I'd bring back some shoes from the foreign land. The recent trip to Hong Kong was no exception.
I fell in love with this pair of Jack Purcell the second I saw it.

Jack Purcell Leather OX in Pearl White

And when I was getting ready for the 933 POTP street concert on Sunday, I took out my shoes, hands trembling with excitement, eager to wear my fabulous news shoes, I saw this...

My heart crumbled into a thousand million pieces right there and then...

Now thats SGD $90.73 down the drain. I know I can't dance, but I certainly did not need a stranger telling me that...


Anonymous said...

Forget about it, tours are meant to set you back,anyway,most pple can't be rich.

diya said...

This post is super Funny! Hahaha! Two left feet! Next time you go and buy two right feet la and sell one pair off...=)

The Creator